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BOOKKEEPING AGENCY EOLAS Book-keeping agencies Belgrade translate.Član 5 godina


Book-keeping agencies Belgrade
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Working hours

Monday 10:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 10:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 10:00 - 17:00
Thursday 10:00 - 17:00
Friday 10:00 - 17:00
Saturday We are closed
Sunday We are closed


  • Bus: 23, 53, ada1, E2

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Useful information

Wheelchair accessible Parking Going out into the field

Žensko preduzetništvo Women's entrepreneurship


Biljana Pađen

1. How and at what moment did you come up with the idea to start your own business?
The decision to start my own business happened entirely by chance. A friend needed help, and together, we ventured into starting our own business. I was working at another company at that time, and starting a business was initially an idea for additional income.

2. Have you always wanted to be involved in your current line of work?
While I was studying, I had a vision that one day I would have my own accounting agency.

3. What are you proud of in your business?
I'm proud that the majority of clients come through referrals from other clients, which is proof that I'm doing my job well.

4. What is the secret of your success? (List three qualities, behaviors, beliefs, or abilities)
Customer satisfaction is paramount. I love that our clients feel at home with us, that I have the patience to listen to everyone, and that I'm always ready to learn something new.

5. How understanding has your environment been, and who has been your biggest support?
The idea of leaving a secure job with a secure income wasn't readily acceptable to my closest ones, but over time, they understood that I had to follow my desires. At that time, my father was my biggest support.

6. What is your guiding principle or motto?
Everyone determines their own destiny.

7. Do you have role models that have motivated or continue to motivate you in your work?
I don't have specific role models, but the people I work with motivate me.

8. What have you had to sacrifice?
Initially, while working at another company, I sacrificed a lot of my free time because I had two very serious jobs. When accounting became my primary job, those sacrifices of free time minimized.

9. What has driven you forward, and how do you motivate yourself during tough times?
What motivates me during tough times is my family, especially my child. I know I must not give up because of them, and I must remain strong and keep fighting.

10. Why is it better for a woman to be an entrepreneur rather than be employed in a company?
In today's fast-paced life with less and less time for our loved ones, I believe it's better for a woman to be an entrepreneur because she can organize her own work schedule. Especially as a mother of a young child, I realized the great advantage of not having an employer, as I don't have to worry about someone reproaching me for not coming to work when my child is sick.

11. How would you advise new female entrepreneurs or a younger version of yourself?
Believe in yourself, follow your desires. Women might be the more delicate gender, but they are not weaker. Don't be afraid of failure and don't allow others' opinions to discourage you.

12. On a scale from 1-10, how challenging is it to be a female entrepreneur in Serbia?

13. When you're a woman in the business world, how common are inappropriate offers?
I haven't personally received inappropriate offers, but I have experienced the undervaluing of my work.

14. Where exactly do you see yourself in 5 years?
In 5 years, I still see myself in this business with at least two new employees.

Learn more

The company was established in January 1990 and has been providing accounting services to a large number of small legal entities and entrepreneurs since then.

In its operations, the company performs the following tasks:

  • Posting and recording business documentation in accordance with the Accounting Standards (MRS).
  • Maintaining business books.
  • Calculating salaries and other monetary incomes.
  • VAT calculation.
  • Insurance service registration (M-4 form).
  • Preparing financial statements.

In addition to the above tasks, we can also perform the following services based on the client's needs:

  • Employee registration and deregistration.
  • Balance reconciliation.
  • Preparing calculations.
  • Legal services.
  • Consulting.
