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JELA HOUSE HELP Home help, public health nursing Belgrade translate.Član 5 godina


Home help, public health nursing Belgrade
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Home Care and In-Home Assistance

From March 2017, in addition to residential accommodation, the Social Welfare Institution "JELA DOM" in Belgrade offers a new service: home care and in-home assistance. This service is provided to elderly individuals and adults over the age of 26. The service is available daily, seven days a week, throughout the year, with the possibility of 12/24-hour duty shifts, night shifts, holiday shifts, vacation coverage, etc.

In-home assistance services are provided to the elderly to meet their daily living needs. The purpose of in-home assistance is to support users in maintaining and improving their quality of life. Experienced geriatric housekeepers - caregivers, who have undergone accredited training for in-home assistance services, are engaged for this service.

Geriatric housekeepers - caregivers are involved in the following activities: assistance with meal preparation, assistance with personal hygiene, assistance with home cleanliness, assistance with heating, assistance with social, cultural, and recreational needs, mediation in obtaining various services, paying bills, grocery shopping, picking up prescriptions, and more.

With the help of geriatric housekeepers - caregivers, users are enabled to live in their own homes (natural environment) and participate in community activities.

The institution has a medical office, a clinic, a full-time general practitioner, and teams of consultants in all specialties: cardiologist, neurologist, psychiatrist, gastroenterologist, endocrinologist, urologist, orthopedist, as well as well-trained geriatric nurses.

Based on this, home treatment, care, and palliative care are possible. Therapeutic and diagnostic procedures are carried out in the patient's home (ECG, laboratory analyses, Doppler blood vessels, ultrasound examinations of the heart, thyroid gland, and abdomen), as well as healthcare processes: treatment and dressing of bedsores, daily assessment of the patient's physical and psychological condition, and complete medical services: infusions, injections, catheter placement, bladder irrigation, nasogastric tube feeding, stoma replacement, oxygen therapy, inhalation therapy, pain therapy for palliative patients.

In accordance with the patient's health condition, when it comes to terminal oncological patients who do not wish for hospitalization or residential accommodation, special care with appropriate treatment is organized at home.

In addition to numerous health services, we also offer our users medical transport services accompanied by a nurse or a nurse and doctor, both within Belgrade and beyond.

As part of home care and in-home assistance, we offer our users the services of a professional social worker who assesses the user's functional ability, creates an individual service plan, connects users with other institutions to obtain rights for assistance and care, subsidies for utilities, tax reliefs, aid for procuring equipment, reduced participation fees... Additionally, for those suffering from Alzheimer's or senile dementia and unable to protect their interests independently, a procedure to resolve civil status (placing the user under guardianship) is initiated. During this process, support and coordination are provided by the social worker to expedite the procedure.

The institution provides advisory-supportive work, psychological support, support in building and maintaining social relationships (family, partners, neighbors, etc.), mediation in conflict situations between the user and their environment, organizing educational workshops, assistance and support in cooperation with relevant state institutions.

The range of these services will be complemented by the specific needs of each individual user. We insist on building a partnership relationship with users and their families and encourage active participation in creating, selecting, and implementing the necessary services.

For detailed information, call 011/7436-522 or 062/1921-397 or visit Rableova 17, Mirijevo.

Call us and see the quality of our services. We are available 24 hours a day, every day of the week.