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EDUCATION AND INTERPRETING AGENCY MLINGUA Foreign languages schools Belgrade translate.Član 5 godina


Foreign languages schools Belgrade
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Foreign language school MLINGUA was founded by a team of professors who decided to apply their decade of experience in practice in school

With cooperation with younger colleagues by applying modern methods of teaching and training and non-stop conversation and teaching in the foreign language we allow you to more quickly begin to understand and speak the foreign language. In the MLINGUA foreign language school you can learn English, German or Spanish. We have lessons for junior schoolers and adults, general and business register. We work in small groups which allows the best use of the lesson time.

To all interested parties we also offer individual lessons. The lessons in the MLINGUA school take place in accordance with the reccomendations from the EU Council and CEF. Upon the finished course each participant recieves a European language passport in which we mark their knowledge level and which is recognized in all EU countries.


NEW: since 2009/2010 a colleague from USA has joined our team so that you now have the chance to practice conversation with a native speaker professor. Join us!