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DECJE SRCE Humanitarian organizations Belgrade


Humanitarian organizations Belgrade
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Humanitarian organization “DECJE SRCE” helps handicapped children and young people through various integrative, psycho-social and educational programs both with them and with their parents, and with volunteers that wish to contribute with their participation to the quality of lives of these children. It was founded on the 9th of March in 2001, as a non-governmental, unprofitable and non-political organization, registered by the Federal Department of Justice. The mission of the organization DECJE SRCE is giving professional support to those that are handicapped and to their families, on the territory of Serbia and of Montenegro. Our vision is elimination of prejudice and integration of handicapped people into the society. Problems that we are trying to solve: - In our society there is no record of the number of handicapped people (according to some unofficial data, In Serbia the number reaches to some 200.000, and these numbers are based on the records gathered by the non-governmental organizations and parental associations that help to handicapped people). According to the records of the government of the Republic of Serbia from 1991, the number of children with different handicaps was 147.000 of altogether 3.000.000 children. – Handicapped people are on the margins of the society, only 105 of them gets the possibility to be included into some form of social organized professional work, that is, into some Institution for accommodating of children, kindergartens or are educated according to special programs, and just 1% of these gets a job in a wider social community. – Most of these children and young people are staying at home, without the possibility of education, of spending time with children of their age and of socialization because of the unadjusted conditions to their handicaps or their parents’ refusing of the fact that they have got a handicapped child. Families are, by habit, seen as passive receivers of the services defined by experts, and not by them as active participants in the process of making a decision. The result is, as a rule, a late detection of a handicap and missing a crucial period for an early treatment of handicapped children.