
Sport schools Palilula (inner city region), Belgrade

Sport schools Palilula - inner region. You need sport schools in the city part Palilula - inner region Belgrade. In our category sport schools you can find all information and companies from the area sport schools Palilula (inner city region),, presentations, offers, prices, working hours of companies from this city area.

TABLE TENNIS ACADEMY KOCIĆtable tennis schooltable rental – recreationindividual trainingfounded in 2000 April, Autoput 2, 11070 Novi Beogradtel. 011/2690-658mob. 064/3269860working hours every day 08-23h, 4 tables Hala Pinki, Gradski park 2, Zemuntel: 0...

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Sport schools Palilula (inner city region), Belgrade

Sport schools Palilula - inner region. You need sport schools in the city part Palilula - inner region Belgrade. In our category sport schools you can find all information and companies from the area sport schools Palilula (inner city region),, presentations, offers, prices, working hours of companies from this city area.

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