Foreign languages schools


  • Address: 18 Glavna st., Zemun
  • Phone: +381 11 316 35 89
  • Open university “Znanje” (Knowledge) is the first private university for permanent staff education, in other words for education outside the official education system. We registered as a company on 14...
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Vlasta Velisavljevic: A century's worth of Belgrade history in one man

Nearing the impressive age of 94, Vlasta Velisavljevic has the energy that even a younger man could envy. He continues to work, and as the proud owner of the driver’s license number 4 he braves the tr...
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The five 'Star's Stars'

Soccer club Red Star (Crvena Zvezda) has had the tradition of bestowing the title of 'Stars star" to the players who greatly influenced the club's history and who made the club famous around the world...
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How the janissaries killed the mother of Serbs

Hadji Mustafa Sinik-oglu who was the vizier of Belgrade between 1893 to 1801 was the fiercest opponent of the janissaries and fought against their return to power in Belgrade and Constantinople. Namel...
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